Dubai Municipality MY vehicle Campaign

Dubai Municipality Launches Campaign on Abandoned Vehicles Dubai Municipality has launched its annual community awareness campaign aimed at the public not to leave abandoned vehicles, boats and equipment in public places. Since the beginning of this year, 5,340 SMSs have been sent to owners of abandoned vehicles. It should be noted that 1,074 abandoned vehicles […]

UK to recognize and exchange UAE driving licenses

According to the decision that came into effect as of May 20, 2021, holders of UAE driving licenses coming for non-residency purposes are now allowed to drive vehicles on the territory of the United Kingdom. Motorists coming for the purpose of residency will be allowed to drive vehicles without having to apply for a driving […]

Regional gold award in automated driver licensing services

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has won a gold accolade in the Gulf Customer Experience Awards (GCXA™) for the best customer services practices. RTA won the award in the category of Digital Transformation Strategy for the Re-Engineering of Drivers Licensing Services Project. The winning of this regional gold award is driven by the sustained […]


有效期从2020年12月2日到-2021年1月28日 5000 AED +增值税的一次性套餐 条款和条件: 报价受当局批准的统一培训合同的规定约束。 此优惠不包含眼科检查费用。 训练类型不能从常规训练更改为夜间训练或星期五训练。 提供的内容包括3个理论测试,5个内部码测试和5个实用路测。 优惠包括中心服务费和道路和交通管理局的费用。 如果学员超出了报价中确定的测试数量,则应收取中心批准的正常费用。 对于迟迟未参加官方考试的学员,应收取正常的复试费用。 如果学员要求提供远程翻译服务或要求指定任何考试,则应收取此类服务的费用。 LP续签和文件续签费用应向学员收取。 总费用最多可分3期支付 ·注册期间的30%。 ·参加培训课程的人数占20%。 ·最终路试前将支付50%的余额。

Единовременное предложение лотереи: мотоцикл

Действительно с 2 декабря -2020 г. по 28 января -2021 г. Ограниченный единовременный пакет в размере 5000 AED + НДС Условия и положения: Предложение регулируется положениями единого контракта на обучение, утвержденного уполномоченным органом. Плата за проверку зрения не включена в это предложение. Тип тренировки нельзя изменить с обычной тренировки на ночную или пятничную. Предложение включает […]

Marriott International Offer

Valid from 22-Dec-2020 to 20-Dec-2022 Training fees: Marriott International group employees can get a 25% discount on practical training fees for the LMV (Regular and Shift courses) Special discount on Motorcycle, Light Bus, Heavy Bus and Heavy Truck (Regular) driving courses only Terms and Conditions: 25% Discount will be given on the LMV driving course […]

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